Advertise your jobs to European AI & Data Professionals

We are a job board for AI and Data roles built by data professionals.

Advertise to thousands of AI & Data professionals in Europe.

We import and publish job opening for you.
Minimum effort from your side.

Your job posts are active for 60+ days.

Whether you are a company or recruiting agency, promote your AI & Data job openings with us.
Check out our free and premium options.

We'll take care of the job publishing process, so you save time & effort while maximizing visibility.

+ We'll import the job description and make it searchable

By allowing us to import your job descriptions from your career page we make them easily searchable on our job board. We'll take care to import all information to our job board and send you an email with the published jobs within 24 hours.

+ We'll add Social Media and SEO

We boost your job posting's visibility with our automatic addition of social media sharing options and SEO metadata, reaching highly qualified Data Professionals across Europe.

+ Connected to your application process

Our job board connects directly to your application process, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and potential candidates interested in your data-related job openings.

+ Advertise the job to thousands of AI & Data Professionals in Europe

Maximize your reach with minimal effort as we advertise your job postings to thousands of Data Professionals across Europe. With a 60-day active period and ongoing promotion through our marketing channels, you'll attract top talent in no time.

Our business is your success


Questions about opportunities for your company, discounts, etc. ?

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