Unlock your potential through EIT’s Deep Tech education and step on the path to an exciting career in Data and AI

The EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative is a pioneering programme led by the European Institute of Technology and Innovation (EIT) that will skill one million people within deep tech fields by the end of 2025.Deep tech innovations – cutting-edge technological solutions combining fields of science and engineering in the physical, biological and digital spheres – are indispensable in addressing the most pressing global challenges.

Currently, Europe lacks the talent and skilled labor force necessary to leverage the new technologies for the green and digital transition. As part of the European Commission’s New European Innovation Agenda, the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative is addressing the talent gap by developing a strong deep tech talent pool across Europe.

The EIT Deep Tech Talent is supported by a network of over 175 organizations working on developing deep tech skills, the Pledge for Deep Tech Talent, which includes training providers, companies, higher education institutions, public authorities and financing partners. Together, they offer more than 110 courses in 15 deep tech fields. In addition, the EIT Deep Tech Talent offers additional funding for partners to develop and scale new or existing training in deep tech.


Photo from www.eitdeeptechtalent.eu

Joining Forces for the Future

EU Data Jobs is joining this amazing initiative, in order to connect fresh Tech Talent graduates with amazing career opportunities in Data and AI across Europe. By signing the Pledge, we aim to promote job opportunities for those who have recently acquired knowledge in deep tech training. This knowledge needs to be put to work to truly shine.

Laure Soulier presenting Intro to Large Language Models

Photo by EIT Tech Talent & EU Data Jobs

That's why applying for jobs in AI and Data right after graduation is a strategic move. Here's how it benefits you:

Why Hire a Research Scientist

Incorporating research scientists into your team can lead to the development of new products, enhancement of existing ones, and solutions to complex problems. Their expertise can catalyze significant advancements that drive organizational growth and innovation.

Capitalize on Peak Learning

Deep tech training equips you with the latest tools and cutting-edge knowledge in AI and Data. Companies are actively seeking individuals who possess this fresh understanding. By applying immediately, you demonstrate your grasp of these in-demand skills while they're still at the forefront of your mind. This makes you a highly competitive candidate.

Fast-Track Expertise

Transitioning directly from training to a real-world AI or Data role minimizes the learning curve. You'll enter the job with a solid foundation and the ability to quickly apply your knowledge to solve practical problems. This not only benefits your own growth but also allows you to make a significant contribution to your new team from the get-go, impressing them with your immediate impact.

Passion and Initiative

In a field that's constantly evolving, employers value candidates who show a genuine interest in staying current. Applying for jobs as soon as you've completed your training signifies your eagerness to learn and contribute to the fast-paced world of AI and Data. This initiative sets you apart from those who might wait, potentially losing their edge and missing out on exciting opportunities.

Don't let this valuable knowledge cool down. The world of AI and Data is waiting for your fresh perspective and deep tech expertise. Apply now and launch your exciting career, ready to make a real impact from day one.


Unlock your potential through 
EIT’s Deep Tech education

Join our call: One million people skilled in deep tech by 2025

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